woman turning around on green fields

How to be Content with Everything in Life? Try these Simple Steps.

‘Happiness’ is a word that can hold a different meaning for everyone. Certainly, we all go through things that make us wonder if happiness ever sticks. Because one moment we are there, and the next we find ourselves retreating and you end up feeling lost. Everything in life comes off as frustrating.

Although buying a brand new car or expensive jewellery can make you happy. However, this kind of happiness is short-lived. Too often, you may have a perception that when I have ‘this’, then I’ll be happy. However, this is a poor perspective that you carry.

If you were to spend your whole life chasing happiness you would not find it.

Because what we are seeking is not happiness. But i believe is a form of contentment in life. Its about the satisfaction and acceptance with just everything in life.

Contentment is therefore understood as a fulfilling relationship with the self and society and happiness involves pleasurable experience.

A cup of coffee

Besides, being content has a lot to do with your perception of life. Again, you need to find the balance to stay content no matter what goes on in your life.

Here are some tips on how you can sustain happiness is your life and be content.


Show appreciation for the people that stick around you. No matter good or bad times they are with you. Moreover, be thankful for the experiences that shape you. Whenever you find yourself falling back, find that one thing or one person you are grateful for.

Be present in all things, and thankful for all things ~ Maya Angelou

Likewise, maintain a gratitude journal to note down one thing you are grateful for each day.

2. Be present

Everything you have, want to do or will do is in the present. Every time you are alone you drift into this negative chain of thinking about the past or future.

Appreciate the little things in life. Do not dwell on the past or all your problems.

Be aware of everything you do.

3. Acceptance

Learn to accept the condition of your life. You may not be happy with where you are in life. But accept the things that can get better.

Acceptance of struggles and challenges in life indeed can make you content in life.

4. Avoid comparison

Never compare your life and accomplishments with others. What you got is yours. In today’s times, people make everything appear cool for others to see but it’s not the reality. Just like you, everybody has got their share of struggle.

Enjoy what is yours without comparison.

5. Self care

Take care of your body and mind it increases your confidence. You don’t look for external satisfaction when you are happy with yourself. When your physical and emotional wellbeing aligns with your content mindset, you will never feel drained.

Contentment is a mindset that is never exhausted ~ Ali Ibn Abi Talib

6. Do what you love

Discontent is first neccessity of progress ~ Thomas A. Edison

Like Edison said, if you are discontent, frustrated and feel a vacuum in your life… It’s time to make some progress.

Moreover, there are tasks and goals you always wanted to do but never did. Too often your busy life manipulates you to forgo your interests.

You need to follow your calling and do what you love.

Choose contentment

Show compassion to yourself and those around you. Moreover, life is going to throw curveballs. Its not always flowers and roses and being content is actually a choice you can make at the moment. A choice to show appreciation and gratitude for everything in life. The trying times will pass and will come back again. But when you got a hold of yourself nothing will disrupt the contentment. Otherwise you see happiness as fleeting. Because what you need is not happiness but a kind of fulfilment in the present moment.

So today choose to be content in the here and now.